Chocolate Cupcakes for a 20th

Finally Friday! Albeit a wet one. Not that that deters one from baking...

So whilst Cat is in the US - possibly picking up the pieces from Superstorm Sandy (?!) and enjoying herself immensely (Hawaii, the Big Apple, checking out the US in general so she can tell me what to do and what not in Feb!), I took up the awesome job of making 40 cupcakes for her cousin's 20th Birthday. I would crash the party too but I think I'm too old :-(

In true St Georgian style, she was super prepared and had already made silver stars and blue letters for the cupcake toppers. One less job for me! And they look pretty awesome.

Took my time tonight and still got it all done in a couple of hours. How one loves efficiency and her kitchenaid. And so rare that I take pictures of my WIP (not the photographer in the fams). Have to say though, looking pretty orderly!!!

Happy with the piping. Thought about chocolate overkill on the top (monkey tried to encourage it) but decided to be reasonable. Moderation is an important word. Even the cookie monster preaches cookies are a "sometimes" food.

Then decided to take them to another level anyway...

Then boxed them all up in these awesome 12-cupcake boxes that were conveniently delivered JIT today. And that's me for the week!