Green Tea Parfait

Serves 6

500 mL thickened cream
2 T green tea powder
4 T milk
5 large egg whites
1 C sugar
1 T lime juice
30 mL vodka

1. Line a tray approximately 30 x 20 cm with baking paper.
2. Beat the cream until still peaks form and leave to refrigerate.
3. Mix green tea power and milk together to form a smooth paste.
4. In a saucepan, dissolve sugar in water and bring to boil. Brush down sides with a wet pastry brush to avoid crystallising. Bring syrup to hard ball stage.
5. Add vodka and lime juice and bring to boil again.
6. Whisk egg whites until medium peaks form.
7. Add hot syrup and beat on high for approximately 5 minutes.
8. Add green tea paste to egg mixture and whisk to combine.
9. Add 1/3 of the whipped cream till combined.
10. Fold through the remaining cream gently by hand with a spatula until smooth and completely combined.
11. Pour into container and refrigerate overnight.