Vera liked our cake!

We said no baking last weekend. It was a bit of a white lie.

We had a special one (and overdue as it was) for Cherry & Johnson on their 1st Wedding Anniversary. Some of you might know that I was on holidays last year in February and their Sydney Wedding was smack bang in the middle of my USA travels so unfortunately, we weren't there to celebrate with them (we were there at the reception in HK though, and made up for it by drinking bottles of wine!!!). So I had made them a cutting cake for photos and there were numerous mishaps on the way. Cake-sitting issues, emergency surgery on the cake by Ms. D, forgetting the cake toppers on the actual day, etc etc. Nightmarish I was told.

And it became, the 2014 Sunset Ombre for the HoHo Anniverary

Thanks Cherry for this photo. I know you tried very hard.

So it was only appropriate that they got to enjoy an edible anniversary cake this year! Even if it is about 6 weeks late!

I wasn't actually planning on posting it but Ms. D did such a great job on instagram that Vera Wang liked her photo/my cake. VERA WANG. THE REAL VERA WANG!!! Amazing!!!

Thanks Donna for your amazing camera skills and photos!

It made my night and these little bits of motivation makes what I do so very worth it. And the appreciation from those around me. Thank you for believing in me even when I didn't believe in myself. So truly humbled.