Sunday Tea Time

If you first don't succeed, try try again. And again. And again...

MACARONS! Still the rage around town and to be honest, can probably say that they are still our Achille's Heel! Having said that, I did read an article not so long ago that professional bakeries and patisseries throw out approximately 20% of every batch of their macaron shells due to cracks in baking. 

These little beauties are pretty versatile which is probably one of the reasons why they are so popular. You can pick any colour, any flavour and you can even add flavours to the shells themselves. Not to mention there's the French method and the Italian method... (personally, the jury is still out on which method we prefer!).

They're a pretty little gift nicely packaged in a box. They go nicely with a cup of tea. Not much not to like about them right?

Feeling ambitious today and decided to play around with flavours and came up with the new Earl Grey & Cointreau infused Dark Chocolate. Delectable...

And the ever popular Passionfruit!

And Caramel, Malted Milk, Blueberry & Pandan. YUM!