Green Tea Cake

I wasn't sure I was actually going to share this cake. It didn't quite come out as I had planned looks-wise. And to me, it is rather... inept. I had actually wanted to pipe little beads onto the cake and turn them into petal flowers - hard to explain but I saw it on pinterest and really liked it. But then I decided that it wouldn't look very nice with just green and i grabbed the spatula and started running it around the cake but not too much that the green would blend completely with the white. So I ended up with something like this!

This was a cake for the lovely Miss E's birthday and I was quite nervous bringing it into the office. Green Tea... what if they didn't like it? What if the flavour was too overpowering? What if it's a little too out there?!

Funnily enough (and I mean absolutely no disrespect by making this distinction) but those more inclined to Eastern flavours thought the green tea was too subtle whereas those not use to Green Tea thought the flavour was quite strong and could really be tasted! Personally, I would add more green tea into the cake batter next time. I am yet to find a green tea powder which bakes with a beautiful hue though... perhaps not quite possible. It is mostly a earthy, murky green.