Sometimes Bigger is Better

Kids love... Thomas, Dora the Explorer, Peppa Pig, the Simpsons and... CARS!!!
Or in this case, Mack the Truck from Cars. Bigger is sometimes better and Mack carries Cars in his semi-trailer so it's a winner! To show how much I know, I had been called it "Mavis" the truck until Elliot's mum kindly pointed out that it was "Mack". Oopsies.
We did a similar cake in October for a 5 year old and have done something similar here too for Elliot who is 3 tomorrow!
That's it from us (it's been a huge week in and out of work and baking) for this weekend. I think we've earned a well-deserved, quiet no-bake weekend! Although we do have the small task of perfecting a new recipe that is dairy and gluten-free... stay tuned.