A Cocktail Farewell

If you like Piña Coladas, getting caught in the rain...

She got a Wynnie cake! (It just took 2 years...)

Huge hugs and more hugs to one of the most resilient lawyers I have ever met. She is literally a rock star and I am going to miss her so so much. Not only her knowledge but her cocktail nights and her humour and her personality. She's classy and fun and smart and super cool.

And to honour her Canadian background, this was a Maple & Pecan cake (6 layers!) with Maple buttercream in the shape of a pineapple. I tried to make melting moments earlier in the week and they failed (Everyone, take note, there is such a thing called too much sugar). So needless to say that didn't turn out so well - so I made sand with the overly sweet crisps. Turned out well actually!

The scoring of the cake was so meditative and I brushing on the colours was heaps of fun too - its pretty much ad lib... add more, add less until is sort of resembles a pineapple!

Inspired by this amazingly expensive pineapple cocktail we had in Hawaii earlier this year (and feeling nostalgic and wishing I was there again... it has been a long September!).